Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Mike's Very Own Proverbs To Think About For The Week

Mike Hosey, An Elder

We are told that investing in Heaven is greater than investing in any earthly material thing (Matthew 6:19-21). This is because Heavenly investments are eternal, and can be enjoyed forever, while earthly investments are always consumed, or rot, or are left behind when we leave the earth behind.  So how can we make Heavenly investments?

Well, instead of worshiping our wallets, we should worship with them. Consider the following proverbs:

All worship requires sacrifice, and since money is a profoundly important part of almost every aspect of our lives, sacrificing money is also a profoundly high form of worship.  

Sacrificing your money in Godly endeavors will grow your character, stretch your faith, and put you on the front row where you can see God doing miraculous things – with your money.

Growing rich means growing spiritually. Besides our own spirits, and our own knowledge, the only things that we take to Heaven with us are our relationships. Therefore, using your money to fellowship with others and grow Christian relationships makes you richer in Heaven.

It’s one thing to serve others with kind words. It’s another to put your money where your mouth is.

There are a lot of people in the world who are shackled to sin, and every time one of them is unshackled, the angels rejoice (Luke 15:10). Whenever you use your money to help unshackle those people by funding someone to take them the truth, you Amp Up the worship service in Heaven!

So take a moment and consider worshiping God with the money He’s given you. Pray and ask Him for guidance, and then give wisely and generously to those things that you know God is interested in, because it is a pleasing form of worship to God.

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