Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Be an Influence Right WHERE you are!

Mike Hosey, Elder

Influence can be defined as the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.  

There isn’t a single domain of your life that isn’t bathed in some sort of influence that wants to shape your character, behavior, or development. You are influenced (for good or for ill) by the television you watch, the music to which you listen, the people with whom you associate, the leaders you elect, the books you read, the advertisements that catch your eyes and ears, the social forces in your community, state, nation or neighborhood, the successes you enjoy, and the failures you suffer. Most of the time, you aren’t even aware of it.

Influence is, well, inescapable.

But the good thing is that you have a fair amount of choice over a great many things that might influence you.  Even better, you can wield influence yourself, and thereby have an effect on the world that is trying to influence you!

During a social gathering several years ago, a friend described to me how her family was experiencing some minor difficulties. I genuinely listened to their troubles. When she was finished, I asked right there in her living room if I could pray for her.  Then with permission, I laid hands on her and her husband. I prayed for them that instant. She had not expected that response from me, and the vibe of gratitude that radiated from her is now etched in my memory. I had influenced both her mood and her moment in a positive way.  Perhaps I even changed some small thing in her troubles for the better. Hopefully, she and her husband will pray for others just as quickly.

This small thing of wielding the influence graced to us in any given moment, and right where we are, is the very example set for us by Paul and Silas (Acts 16:22-34). Even though they had been beaten by a community offended by their power, and then imprisoned, they influenced the guard of their prison with kindness and right behavior. The guard’s whole household consequently gained salvation, and the community that had beaten them was now influenced for many future generations!

When and where will you shape the character of people with the influence that you wield?

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