Wednesday, November 6, 2013

God Just Doesn't Make Sense

Mike Hosey, Elder

From the very beginning, God began doing things that don't make sense to the human mind.

He has reasons for why He does what He does, and often, we can't discern what those reasons are until after the fact. Indeed, most of the time, we can't discern them until He actually tells us what those reasons are.

Creating Adam and Eve with the full knowledge (1 John 3:20; Acts 15:17-18; Isaiah 46:10) that they would fail miserably and that all of mankind would be tainted by that failure kicks off a long series of deeds that just don't make sense. 

The Bible is filled with instances that don't make sense to us now, and certainly would not have made sense at the time when the recorded events actually happened.

For instance, God told Joseph that he would have command over his brothers. So they robbed him of his coat and sold him into slavery (Genesis 37)! In Egypt, he was accused of getting frisky with his Master's wife -- that false accusation put him in prison. (Genesis 39). As horrid and senseless as that may have seemed for Joseph at the time, it ultimately saved his family, and his race. This is because he was rescued from prison and went to Pharaoh's court where he became a great political influence in Egypt -- which allowed him to set up space for his family and people to grow and flourish under Egypt's protection and wealth. God was in control and had a plan!

But the capstone deed that makes no apparent sense is that God allowed Jesus, his one and only son, a perfect son, and the only man to have never sinned, to be killed by depraved murderers and sinners who would then be offered grace and forgiveness because of the death that resulted from that killing.

At the time, it must have seemed crazy. Now we know that God was modeling for us a sacrificial love, rescuing us from our selfish and prideful failures, and uniting us to Himself in a profound and complete way.

So the next time your world doesn't seem to make sense, just remember that God works in ways that don't make sense to us. Have faith in His goodness and His plan.  

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