Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Three Habits Every Christian Should Form For A Better Walk

Mike Hosey, Elder
It  has been said that wisdom is discipline and that discipline is wisdom.  Most of us unconsciously know this truth. 

We know that it is wise to discipline ourselves in every important area of life.  For instance, what happens if we don't discipline ourselves with a budget?
For most of us, our lives would, at best, be less than they should be, and at worst, a disaster!
Well here are some spiritual disciplines to help us be everything we should be in our daily lives -- both spiritually and relationally.

1) Make it a habit to put God first in everything every day. This is a very basic, but very important truth.  If God is not the first priority  for you then someone, or something else will be.  And when that happens, you will begin to serve those things more than God. But you weren't made to serve those things, you were made to serve God.
2) Make it a habit to pray often throughout the day.  Short one sentence prayers like "I love you God, forgive me God, or God give me wisdom," are perfectly fine. Speak to Him when you get up in the morning, and when you go to bed at night. This does two things. First, it allows you to communicate with God, and to foster your relationship with Him. Think about it, how would you feel about your friend, and how would your friend feel about you, if you never spoke to him or her? Second (and perhaps more importantly), it helps to keep God in the forefront of your mind - which helps you maintain habit #1 above.
3)Be committed to others like you are committed to yourself, or as Jesus teaches, love your neighbor like you love yourself. So if you wouldn't let yourself go hungry, try not to let your neighbor go hungry. If you forgive yourself easily, then you should easily forgive your neighbor.
These three disciplines, practiced daily will go a long way to enrich both your relationship with God, as well as your relationship with those around you!

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