Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Obtaining Great Boldness

Mike Hosey, Elder
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Before the disciples of Jesus became the apostles of Jesus, they were a bumbling mess.   

While they truly believed their Lord, as well as loved Him, and followed Him everywhere He went, their ministries and behaviors were marked frequently by shortcomings.

There were shortcomings of faith (Luke 9:12-13). And there certainly were failures due to those shortcomings (Matthew 17:14-20). And there were shortcomings of theological common sense (Luke 9:33-34). And, of course, there were moments of pride (Luke 9:46-48). Believe it or not, there even were failures to see the true significance of the very Lord they served (Matthew 16:21-23).
But most notably, and perhaps most embarrassingly, there were moments of terrible insecurity. Can anyone identify with Peter's denial of the Lord (John 18:25-27)?  Such insecurity even persisted after Peter was first filled with the Holy Spirit! In Galatians 2:12-13, Paul describes how he had to rebuke Peter for cowering to certain Jews at the expense of the Gentiles he was serving. Peter was afraid of what those Jews would think of him because he was eating with gentiles. What insecurity from a man so quick to be bold!
God knows how I can identify with that one!
But as the disciples grew in their ministries, and especially after the Holy Spirit had been given to the church, the insecurities of those men ebbed away.
In fact, tradition holds that all of the apostles except John died violent deaths in service to their Lord and His calling upon them. Their lives became marked by sheer boldness.
Let's watch our new crop of deacons become bold as they grow in the Lord. Do your best to encourage the service of Drew Castoral, Doug Pailthorpe, Bobby Theus, and Ray Van Mersbergen, because Paul tells us that, ". . . those who have served well as deacons acquire a good standing for themselves, and great boldness in the faith that is in Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 3:13 HCSB)."
They will become bold in their faith because in their service they will get to see God work in many ways! Keep them in your prayers.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Jesus In My Nightmares by Mike Hosey

Mike Hosey, Elder
Since my teen years I have suffered from two recurring nightmares.  Thankfully,  their frequency has diminished considerably over the years.

While the frequency of those moments has waned, their intensity has not. 
Both are frightening, but different.  

The intensity of one of those dreams is fierce enough to ignite in me a spirit of fear and retreat. In the past, it wasn't uncommon for my wife to awaken me from the throes and cries of that demonic dream out of concern for me. 

And demonic it is!  A demon always haunts the dream. Usually, I cannot see it.  I can only hear it or feel its presence. In the few times when I do see it, I can only perceive a human-like form. I can't distinguish facial features or expressions. It's just a black darkness absorbing all light.  And its voice is . . .  well . . . I don't know how to describe it, other than to say that it evokes terror. Every time.

But starting a few years ago, I began to saturate my mind through reading, fasting and prayer with the Word of God. And when the demon would come to my dream, the name of Jesus (because I had put His name in my head and heart) would issue from my trembling mouth. And while it was never instantaneous or easy, the demon would retreat or fade away at that name. 

Recently the demon troubled my dream again, and he called for one of my children. My flesh trembled, but my heart did not. I advanced with boldness against the evil in my dream -- not simply because it threatened someone I love, but because I have realized that I am a child of the most powerful Father in the universe (Galatians 4:6-7). And that He has not given me a Spirit of fear, but of power (2 Tim 1:7).  And that I can put on Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14) and refuse the desires of my trembling flesh.  And that the word of Christ can dwell richly in someone as flawed as me (Colossians 3:16) -- even in my dreams.